Hey, all, I’m Matthew, and I serve as the Music Lead at Haverhill Commons Church. After moving to the area in August 2022, my wife, Abbey, and I discovered Haverhill Commons Church in February 2023. We found a church community of compassionate people who shared a love for God and for the common good of the city. I eventually joined the Staff Team in September 2023.

I have a heart for helping the church develop a deeper understanding of what it means to worship God. An understanding that moves beyond music, encouraging and equipping the church to develop patterns and practices of worship in all of life.

I am pursuing a Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology with an interest in the history and practice of Christian worship. I hold a Master of Music in Church Music from Samford University and a Bachelor of Music in Church Music from Lee University. Previously, I served as a worship leader and church musician at churches in Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia.

If not dreaming up worship gatherings, studying the history of Christian worship, or arranging music, you’ll find me walking our dog, watching baseball and hockey, or riding roller coasters.

Matthew Grauberger

Music and Liturgy
